Today’s world is moving progressively into the virtual world.
The internet is becoming the new public arena for all areas of life, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic restricting people’s movements and forcing them to work from home, virtual exhibitions and events have shown to be growing and will continue to be an integral part of the new normal for the future.
With mobile phones being the technology that everyone counts on whether it’s to check the weather, read emails, zoom meetings or research for products or services which are just to name a few, making phones the go to portable device. Mobile phones can also be the place for virtual exhibitions as long as you have the formatting so visitors can research industry exhibitors whether it’s on the train, going for a walk or anywhere you have your phone in your hand.
One of the many benefits of this new virtual trend is reaching a global audience – anyone, anywhere can now view exhibitions. Another is the fact that virtual exhibition need never close – they can run online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the third, is you’re not restricted by geography – no matter location, exhibitors can showcase their products and services to the world.
“Online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week”
The exhibition industry has come along way from the established physical events and digital transformation has allowed event organisers to be creative allowing them to look into advanced technologies that can provide them with an virtual exhibition, which has features such as chat box, language options, exposure and brand awareness in a global capacity.
With physical events and exhibitions making a return, where does it leave the virtual events that we all have been so used to over the last 18 months. Can there be a place for both? Can physical exhibitions and virtual work along side by side to each other to create access to visitors for all aspects. Are event organisers prepared to what the digital world has created and the changing face of the events exhibition experience?
“Can physical exhibitions and virtual work along side by side to each other”
Virtual exhibitions are becoming more engaging and therefore moving physical events that are carried out for 2-3 days to a virtual community that provides 24/7 access are disturbing the tradition. Platforms are allowing exhibitions and events to not be restricted to weeks, months but to open up access, opportunities, networking and engagement to be 24/7 globally.
Moving from psychical events to virtual has not been plain sailing and there has been challenges on the way, varying from technology, software, the ability of people wanting to change their methods. However, keeping it simple and beneficial to all users has proved to work and be valuable to all.
The success of the exhibition can be determined by what your objectives are, its not always about return of investment. If an exhibitor is looking to create exposure and brand awareness and your social media following has grown from the exhibition, leading on to more engagement then that has been a success and the objective has been met.
So, with all this, virtual events and exhibitions are here to stay. As technology develops and that most of the population are never away from a mobile phone device, times move on and we face a new world for events and exhibitions.
This post was written by Katie Bateman of FranchiseShow247 and VirtualExpo247.